Minutemen Equity Fund Portfolio Visualization
By: Declan
The Minutemen Equity Fund is an undergraduate Isenberg School of Management student-run organization that manages over $250,000 of the UMass endowment. As a member of the fund, I worked as a Junior and then Senior Analyst covering the technology, financial and basic materials sectors. The analysts in each sector make recommendations regarding the fund’s holdings and produce many deliverables along with three stock pitches a semester.
In order to boost potential member engagement and increase transparency, I set out to create a visualization depicting the fund structure, holdings and performance. The Portfolio Manager of our fund makes all holdings decisions through a major broker’s platform. Using an easily exportable excel file of holdings, a visualization is constructed using D3.js for the front end and the Alpaca API for up-to-date equity pricing.
Update Feb. 2024: simplified to static
Checkout the visualization
Or the code on Github